Saturday, August 9, 2008

A break from the heat!

After getting the grand tour with my hosts, I wandered around Wangfujing...

Thank goodness for yogen fruz!

This was refreshing but I still had to duck into an airconditioned store every few yards to keep from overheating.

That's how I found this guy:

I also found some fish in a bowl at a mall. wierd.

Budweiser showing it's olympic pride (those are tall boys, by the way.)

Half a day into the games and they're already keeping score (please note china at the top)

A little shopping down a side street...helro nice lady, chopstick cheap for you, look look here good prlice for you nice rlady

Chinese kids taking pictures of a 'larger gentleman'...totally fascinated but his weight

This doesn't look very exciting but I'm finally enjoying the space to just be. Sitting and watching the world go by, appreciate where you are in the present.

I LOVE people watching. because of the olympics, this place has a very disneyland-esque feeling to it. Everyone seems very carefree and uninhibited, single women wandering freely, children straying from their parents with very little caution or concern, all protected by the international community surrounding them and their bright yellow, 'I'm important,' Olympic badges hanging around their necks. A false sense of security...tourist beware.

I had the most fun today just playing with my camera. This is what I got it for and I haven't really had a chance to use it for the adventures it was intended for until now.

Then a security guard came over and made us all move. (We were sitting on a curb entirely too close to the freshly laid "olympic grass" ((Olympic grass is all the landscaping that is clearly brand new and probably won't survive long after the games have closed up shop)) ). I have no idea what the guard say but it seemed to be something to the effect of "No relaxing, go spend money and shop like everyone else instead."

So then I spotted the yoghurt you eat with a straw (came highly recommended) so I gave it a try, not bad. (Plus a chance for more people watching from the safety of a sidewalk cafe...nothing chinese about that though!)

Later that afternoon...Tian'anmen square (my head got in the way of this picture)

Lots of self portraits today

again..disneyland olympic grass:

this thing spins around:

old dudes just hanging out amongst the chaos:

This is what I like to call the "Surprise Onesie." Cute and patriotic from the front....

...completely open in the back

more self portrait, but this time i got the monument in the background:

The girl in the middle (blue dress) made her sister come over and ask if she could take a picture with me:

A swarm of photographers chased this little boy all over the place

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