Friday, May 20, 2011

What traveling taught me, part II (and more feet)

Whenever I talk to someone about all the traveling I've done, they inevitably want to know "What's your favorite place?!"

I never know what to say. Even though I know they're going to ask.

Cities and countries seem to go in and out of fashion amongst travelers. What makes a particular destination trendy is beyond my ability to make sense of it- for a while all people could talk about was Prague. Then it was anywhere in Latin America. I don't know if these are actual trends or just a pattern amongst people in my expanded international social circle- a product of the country I myself was in and who I ran with. But, one thing I think I've figured out is that a person's favorite place says a lot about them. If they love Paris they're a different kind of person than if they loved Melbourne or Bogota. But lately I'm starting to figure out that a person's favorite place has less to do with the place and more to do with the kind of experience they had there. This seems obvious but it's a bigger factor that we (or at least, I) give it credit for. I can't count the number of times I told someone- Oh, you have to go to Lisbon! Vienna is a great city! If you travel to Morocco, don't miss Chefchaouen! Thailand? Then you have to spend some time in the islands! ...But none of these cities are really any superior to the other. I just had a really really good time in all these places! The lesson in this is that it's more about the experience you had there that makes a place good or bad. (That's the danger in going back to a place you've already been.) The truth is, you make a trip what it is. Sure, there are circumstances beyond your control- that's what makes it fun! And sure, there are some crappy destinations- places you wouldn't want to spend more time than you had to because they're sketchy or boring but even then, it's what you make of it. You can have a lot of fun at a rest stop is western kentucky. You can also have a really crappy day sitting in front of the Eiffel Tower. I think some people travel because they find their own lives so mundane that they need to go somewhere new to make sure they still have a pulse. Or they travel to find happiness. Or they travel because they need a vacation. Traveling is rarely any of these things. I've experienced more relaxation during a "stay-cation" than time spent on the road. I've been happier in the presence of my friends and family at home than I ever have standing in front of a monument in Spain. And my regular life- my non-traveling life- is more busy and exciting than some trips I've been on because I make it that way. I'm not saying I don't love traveling. But my biggest fear while traveling was that life after traveling- the real world- was going to suck. It's anything but.
People think I'm lucky because I travel- and I am. But it's not traveling that's fun. (and in fact sometimes its the antithesis of fun.) Traveling is just a way of moving through the world. We decide. I decide every day what to make of this journey. That's another big thing traveling has taught me. And its not just a lesson, like all universal lessons we put on refrigerator magnets. It's what I do. I'm pretty good at, as my parents would say, making my own fun. Thanks traveling! You help make every moment count-at home or away. I know this and I live it- that's why I'm lucky.

Just to prove that I really do take pictures of my feet I'm pasting some below. You cant necessarily tell where I am, but I can. There's something about seeing my feet on the ground instead of looking at a postcard-like picture that makes me remember I was really there and how that smelled and tasted and felt and all the things you can see with your eyes but not with a camera lens.

Starting at the top: Henna in Bangalore, the banks of the river Ganga, El Albaicin- Granada, Tanger- Morocco, Karekare-New Zealand, Faro-Portugal, Tiananmen Square.

Run update

So, Monday: 4.5 miles
Thursday: 3 easy miles
A nice gesture, but nowhere near the kind of mileage I need to be putting in if I'm gonna be ready for this thing in august....

The sun came out for the first time all week yesterday! at least now I have no excuses!

Monday, May 16, 2011

These feet.

I'm not terribly consistent with this, but usually when I'm traveling and I find some place I really like - somewhere that is particularly beautiful or meaningful, I take a picture of my feet.

It's my birthday today and looking at these feet, I think about all the places they've been. They have touched down in over 30 countries, countless cities and several oceans. For me, this fact is a source of pride. Each new place I step foot in is a badge of honor, another thing to point to that says- this is where I've been, this is what I've seen and this is who I am.

While there is a cost to all the traveling I do, I don't even want to begin to think about who I'd be without it. It has been such a defining part of my life. And it is a distinct privilege that I have learned not to take for granted- and I don't take it for granted now, not one minute. It has taught me patience and humility. It makes me question everything. It helps me breathe. Traveling has made me insatiably curious. It gives me time to be with myself in a way that is terrifying and necessary. I've learned to think positively, to roll with the punches and keep stress at bay. Traveling has taught me how to keep things in perspective- in a way, it keeps me grounded (irony intended.)

I don't yet know all the places these feet will go. But I am beside myself with glee about where they might take me. There is still so much to see and do, but I recognize the enormity of how privileged I am to have seen and done all that I already have. I'm not afraid of getting older. I've earned every year I've got. Maybe the biggest thing I've learned from traveling is how to be present. And that's what this getting older thing is for me too. I often feel like wherever I am, in time or space, is exactly where I'm supposed to be and I feel like that now. Twenty-seven feels right and good. Couldn't ask for much more.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Day Twelve: Chappaqua, NY-New Haven, CT

Day Twelve: Chappaqua, NY-New Haven, CT
Mode of transportation: car/train
Miles: 20 by car, 40 by train
Carbon: .01 Metric Tons
Other: Large beer-$12, pretzel- $4, 2nd beer-$12, hot dog- $5, ice cream in a plastic Yankees hat- $6, night at the game- priceless.

Kara's birthday is the day after mine so after crashing with a friend in New Haven, Kara picked me up and we went back to Chappaqua! Tonight we went to the Yankees-Red Sox game to celebrate our birthdays- Red Sox won, fun was had...all in all a good last day at 26 years old!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Day Ten: New Haven, CT - (back to) Chappaqua, NY

Day Ten: New Haven, CT - (back to) Chappaqua, NY
Mode of transportation: Kara's lime green fiesta (thanks for the ride!)
Miles: 60
Carbon: .02 Metric Tons
Other: must have gotten some good karma from all the work I got done in the coffee shops of New Haven this week and helping out at the farmers market...

My dear friends Katie and Nathan were kind enough to set me up with the most tranquil boudoir for my stay in New Haven...They are pretty much the sweetest people ever.

Spent the week getting work done and catching up with friends (and pop culture!)- so nice to come back to a place and see lots of familiar faces.

Mini-dream fulfilled! my good friend who works at the Yale Farm asked if I'd help her out at the farmers' market saturday- it was just as much fun as I thought it would be.

Pictures from the farm and the market... and we sold EVERYTHING! yay us!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Run update

Yesterday I started making dinner and cracked a beer at no running for me! But this morning I was up at the crack of dawn for a quick (but slow) 2.5 miles, just to keep the legs greased up and moving.
Last minute invite to yoga class tonight.....should be fun! and definitely need the stretching!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Run update

4.5 miles today. I want to blame this on the new running shoes and my two week off quad recovery but running just doesn't feel good right now. But I did it! check. done.